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Meet The Team

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Project Leader

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Zinnia Nomura has been working as a multidisciplinary performer since
2014. After graduating from the Hamburg Ballet School, she worked at the
Theater Krefeld and the Leipzig Opera. As a circus artist she trained as a guest student at Carampa/Madrid and in the independent courses of SKH Stotckholm and is specialized in fixed trapeze and contortion. Since
2002 she has mainly dedicated herself to her own creations. She also works as a cultural producer for NGOs, cultural associations, festivals and companies.

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Project Leader

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Florian Bögner studied theater and cognitive sciences in Vienna. There
he created his first physical theatre performances in the independent
scene in 2010. Since 2017 he has been working as a freelance artist and
director for contemporary circus in Berlin and Europe. Current creations
are the solo piece tasten - a circus theater piece and Sloth (with
Zinnia Nomura). He is also an experienced circus pedagogue and
co-founder of the association FüdiLu.




Founder and project consultation

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Jana Korb is an artist (HdK Berlin), aerialist, and cultural scientist (FU and HU Berlin). She creates and produces aerial theatre and narrative circus, mainly producing performances in public space. 

She is a co-founder of RAW cultural space (Berlin), active in the Magdalena Project (international network of women in contemporary theatre), and first chair of the German Association for Theatre in Public Spaces.




Project Manager

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Jessie studied trapeze at The National Centre for Circus Arts in London. There she formed circus companys Hoop La La and Bella Kinetica. In 2015 she moved to Berlin, and works as an aerialist with the Rose-Davidovs Project. She has produced and toured three full-length circus-theatre shows, The Hoop La La Cabaret, Life On Wheels, and Outer Circle, and holds three Guinness World Records for hula hooping.

Jessie joined the Vuesch team in 2017 and is a member of the board. 



Project Manager

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Rike Greusing is a circus artist and educator from Berlin. 

In the context of the New Circus she tries to convey personal and political contents with the means of aerial artistry, acrobatics and dance theatre on stage. Her artistic focus is on aerial artistry on the rope, trapeze and silks, as well as dance theatre.

In 2012 Rike Greusingjoined the Vuesch team and is now a member of the board.

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